zondag 27 maart 2011

Real Time by Maarten Baas

Time is created by people, and almost all people fit their life into time. Nowadays we don't have and make a lot of time to do our daily things. You have to pay a lot of attention to update the time.

Maarten Baas, a Dutch designer makes that very clear.

Literally people creating time. His serie is called “Real time.”

“Grandfather clock”
Inside the grandfather clock a man is drawing the hands off a clock. Of course it is not a real man, but a movie of a man drawing his hands off.

“Sweepers clock”
Two people are making the hands of a clock by collecting garbage on the beach all day

“Counting hours”
A man in a tiny office, watched by a security camera, is making time with his stationery

“Analog Digital Clock“

Behind the figures is a man who makes the lit lines black or removes them. Each time a new figure arises.

The exposition of real time produces an extra highlight.
An actor shifts the clock hands in real life, this performance is filmed and sold on a hard disk.


Does this blog get your attention? Or are you already distracted by another website or blog? I am interested in what kind of things get the attention of which kind of people. Also I want to get your attention for daily things that look so normal nowadays and make a connection with an artist who is also inspired by this subject.

I think that the last few years people spend less and less attention on daily things. Everything has to go as quick as possible, we don't have a lot of patience anymore. Old habits are disappeared but I know for sure that in de following years they are making a come back. As I know, It's already happening.